About the Journal
Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor – Journal of Maritime Sciences is an international scientific journal that represents a redesigned publication of the former Selected Papers of the Maritime College in Kotor (Zbornik Više pomorske škole) founded in 1972. After the Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor was founded in 1982, this scientific, serial publication continued to be published as Selected Papers of the Faculty of Maritime Studies until 2019. This publication significantly contributed to the scientific research in maritime sciences and affairs in the domain of technical fields and humanities. All the issues of the previous publication are archived in the Maritime Library of the Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor, University of Montenegro.
Our initiative to save the tradition, and at the same time refresh and redesign the previous publication by establishing the Faculty of Maritime Studies international scientific journal Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor – Journal of Maritime Sciences, was inspired by dynamic changes in the international maritime market, interdisciplinary nature of maritime sciences, and the rise of international projects directly contributing to research, educational and pedagogical activities. Therefore, we believe it would be worthwhile to translate them in the form of high-quality research papers and other relevant scientific and professional manuscripts.
Aims & Scope
Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor – Journal of Maritime Sciences is dedicated to research work on theoretical and applied domains of maritime and marine sciences such as navigation, transportation, marine engineering, marine ecology and blue growth. We also focus on maritime management and logistics research, maritime information technologies and their application in shipping. We welcome ideas on energy efficiency in the maritime sector, marine automation and electronics, as well as mathematics and programming in maritime sciences. Being aware that teaching innovations are an inevitable factor in the teaching process, the focus is also on maritime education and training (MET), and language issues and novelties in maritime communication.
O časopisu
Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor – Journal of Maritime Sciences je međunarodni naučni časopis koji predstavlja redizajniranu publikaciju Zbornika Više pomorske škole u Kotoru nastalog 1972. godine. Osnivanjem Fakulteta za pomorstvo 1982. godine, ova stručna, serijska publikacija je nastavila sa izlaženjem pod nazivom Zbornik Fakulteta za pomorstvo do 2019. godine. Ova publikacija je značajno doprinijela istraživačkom radu u pomorstvu, kako u oblasti tehničkih tako i društvenih nauka. Sva izdanja prethodnih publikacija Zbornika čuvaju se u Pomorskoj biblioteci Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor, Univerziteta Crne Gore.
Naša inicijativa da sačuvamo tradiciju, ali u isto vrijeme obnovimo i redizajniramo prethodno izdanje osnivanjem Časopisa Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor – Journal of Maritime Sciences, potaknuta je dinamičnim promjenama na međunarodnom pomorskom tržištu, interdisciplinarnom prirodom pomorskih nauka, kao i rastom međunarodnih projekata koji direktno doprinose istraživačkom procesu, obrazovnim i pedagoškim aktivnostima. Smatramo da sve pomenute aktuelnosti zaslužuju da budu pretočene u kvalitetne naučnoistraživačke radove ili relevantne naučne i stručne publikacije.
Ciljevi i oblasti
Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor – Journal of Maritime Sciences bavi se istraživačkim radovima iz teorijskih i primjenjenih oblasti pomorskih nauka kao što su navigacija, transport, brodomašinstvo, ekologija i plavi rast. Takođe, fokusiran je na oblast menadžmenta u pomorstvu u logistici, informacionim tehnologija te njihovih primjena u pomorstvu. Veoma dobrodošle su ideje iz oblasti energetske efikasnosti u pomorskom sektoru, brodske automatizacije i elektronike, kao i matematike i programiranja u pomorstvu. Svjesni važnosti inovacija u procesu nastave, u fokusu su takođe pomorsko obrazovanje i obuka, kao i problematika i novine koje se odnose na jezik u pomorskoj komunikaciji.
Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor
Put I Bokeljske brigade 44, Dobrota
85331 Kotor, Montenegro
tel: +38232303184
email: pfkotor@ucg.ac.me
Pomorski fakultet Kotor
Put I Bokeljske brigade 44, Dobrota
85331 Kotor, Montenegro
tel: +38232303184
email: pfkotor@ucg.ac.me