Review Process & Statements

Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor – Journal of Maritime Sciences

In general, the review process takes up to a month. The Editorial Board decides whether the manuscript is suitable for further independent blind review. In case the paper fits the Journal content and technical standards, it is sent to at least two reviewers for blind review.

The received papers can be published as: Original scientific paper, review paper, editorial, short report, and invited paper.

All manuscripts sent to Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor Journal of Maritime Sciences are subject to plagiarism check before the review process.

Authors are advised to have their manuscripts proofread. The languages of the journal are English, Montenegrin/Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian.

Authors who would like to have their manuscript published for Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor – Journal of Maritime Sciences should follow the journal guidelines. The Journal Template can be found here.

Manuscripts should be submitted by email to

Copyright and Open Access
All papers published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. Permitted reuse is determined by the Creative Commons Attribution Journal Open Source License (CC-BY) which lets other to distribute and copy the paper, to create extracts, abstracts, and other revised versions, adaptations or derivative works of or from a paper, to include in a collective work, to text or data mine the paper even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the author(s), do not represent the author as endorsing their adaptation of the paper, and do not modify the paper in such a way as to damage the authors honor or reputation. For further details see the Creative Commons website.

Authorship Statement needs to be signed and provided by in the PDF. Authors should retain raw data related to their submitted paper, and must provide it for editorial review, upon request of the editor.

Generalno, proces recenziranja traje do mjesec dana. Urednički odbor odlučuje da li je rad prihvatljiv da uđe u proceduru recenzije. U slučaju da rad ispunjava sadržaj časopisa i tehnički je usaglašen,  isti će biti poslat najmanje dvama recenzentima na recenziju.

U Časopisu Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor Journal of Maritime Sciences, radovi se mogu objaviti kao: originalni naučni rad,  pregledni rad, uvodni članak, kratki izvještaj i pozvani rad.

Svi radovi poslati za Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor  Journal of Maritime Sciences provjeravaju se u programu za provjeru plagijarizma prije postupka recenzije.

Autorima se preporučuje da se radovi lektorišu prije slanja. Jezici časopisa su engleski/crnogorski/srpski/hrvatski/bosanski).

Autori koji žele da objave rad u Časopisu Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor – Journal of Maritime Sciences treba da slijede uputstva za autore. Obrazac se može preuzeti sa linka.

Radove treba dostaviti elektronskim putem na:

Autorska prava i otvoreni pristup
Svi radovi objavljeni u otvorenom pristupu biće odmah i trajno besplatni za čitanje i preuzimanje. Dopuštena ponovna upotreba je određena licencom otvorenog koda Creative Commons Attribution Journal (CC-BI) koja dopušta drugima da distribuiraju i kopiraju rad, da kreiraju izvode, sažetke i druge revidirane verzije, adaptacije ili izvedene cijele radove ili dijela rada, da iste uključe u kolektivno djelo, za pisanje teksta ili podataka u radu čak i u komercijalne svrhe, sve dok se pozivaju na autora(e), ne navode autora tako da koriste njihovu adaptaciju rada i ne modifikuju rad na takav način da se naruši čast ili ugled autora. Za više detalja pogledajte službenu stranicu Creative Commons.

Izjavu o autorstvu treba potpisati i dostaviti u PDF-u. Autori bi trebali zadržati neobrađene podatke koji se odnose na rad koji su predali i moraju ih dati na uvid urednicima, a na zahtjev urednika.

Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor
Put I Bokeljske brigade 44, Dobrota
85331 Kotor, Montenegro
tel: +38232303184

Pomorski fakultet Kotor
Put I Bokeljske brigade 44, Dobrota
85331 Kotor, Montenegro
tel: +38232303184